Tiga Inti Pilar, Are looking for candidates to :
1. Junior Instrument Engineer
2. Junior Mechanical Engineer
3. Junior Electrical Engineer
Job Location : Head Office, Jakarta
Qualification :
– Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university with GPA 3.00 above of:
1. Physic Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
– Experience in Engineering Consultant min 1 years / Freshgraduated are welcomed
– Good communication skill and have experience in school organization
– Familiar with related dicipline engineering software.
– Have handled at least 1 (one) oil and gas production facilities.

PT. Riung Mitra Lestari, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Kontraktor Pertambangan Batu Bara di Kalimantan dan Sumatera saat ini mencari Karyawan yang Berintegritas, Profesional, dan Tangguh untuk ikut berkontribusi dengan perusahaan dengan bergabung dalam Staff Experience, dengan persyaratan umum sebagai berikut :
– Berpengalaman dengan posisi yang sama Min. 3 – 5 tahun
– Pengalaman di Perusahaan Tambang Batu Bara (Open Pit)
– Usia Mak. 38 tahun
– Pendidikan Min. D3 / D4 / S1
– Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak buta warna)
– Bersedia penempatan di seluruh lokasi kerja PT. Riung Mitra Lestari.
Today we want to give you an information about vacancy at PT Aisin Indonesia Automotive for you who have passion as an engineer or as a production leader, especially at automotive manufacturing company
Please send your CV to (Subject: Name_Position) before February 12, 2023
PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia is looking for:
– D3 majoring in Refrigeration/Energy Convertion/Industry/Mechanical Engineer
– TOEIC min 500 (Fluent in speaking & writing)
– Familiar with measurument (mechanic & electric)
– Understand AC product, process, & manufacture management
– Able to control & evaluate maintenance project
– Able to work in team and under pressure
– Required skill : drawing 2D/3D, Adobe Ilustrator, tactical thinking, high fighting power, initiative