Department of Mechanical Engineering Vokasi School UGM is an organizer of higher education in applied mechanical engineering (Applied Bachelor of Mecahnical Engineering) that excels both at the national and international levels, organizing three courses of study namely the Bachelor’s Program of Applied Engineering Engineering Technology, Diploma 4 Engineering Management and Heavy Equipment Nursing, as well as the Study Program D3 Engineering Mechanics (saat ini dalam tahap phasing out). The Mechanical Engineering Technology Studies program studies the design and manufacture of a product based on mechanical and electrical systems according to the principles of physics, mathematics and material science while the Engineering Studies Program of Heavy Equipment Management and Maintenance studies the management, scheduling, optimization of operations and maintenance of heavy equipment for the mining and construction sectors.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering of SV UGM has adequate facilities and facilities including a complete laboratory, comfortable classrooms, a complete library, open space facilities for student discussion, as well as other facilities that support educational, research and applied research programmes.
The lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering SV UGM is a graduate of the best universities in the country and abroad. DTM lecturers are competent in their fields, innovative, dynamic and highly dedicated in supporting student learning success. Currently, the Department has 23 lecturers with qualifications of 6 doctors, 6 doctoral candidates and 11 masters.
The research and dedication activities carried out by faculty and students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are directed to be able to produce a new innovation product and scientific publication that covers the fields of energy engineering, material engineing, machinery maintenance, manufacturing engineering and automation engineering. Research and dedication activities at the Department of Mechanical Engineering SV UGM are prioritized on applied technology to support the independence and well-being of the Indonesian nation according to the national road map and UGM.
The achievements of the students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering SV UGM are also very proud. The electric car team “Yacaranda” several times won several categories in the electric car race, some students became a member of the finalist team PIMNAS 2019, become champions in the national level LKTI races, become the champion PLC race national level and others, of course this achievement is realized with the support of a highly dedicated team of lecturers.
Alumni of the Department of Mechanical Engineering SV UGM who joined KAVOKGAMA mostly pursued careers in industry, entrepreneurship, state agencies, academics, and social organizations both at home and abroad. The alumni have an important role to play and are very helpful for the development of the Department towards a more advanced and superior direction. Synergy with alumni is always built and the silaturahmi rope is always guarded with aumni and public lectures.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who have contributed to advancing the Department of Mechanical Engineering of SV UGM. The department will continue to improve itself so that it can always deliver the best for students, for society, and for the progress of the nation in general.
Greetings Vokasi